Elizabeth M. C. Hillman Ph.D.

Principal Investigator


1998: BSc & MSc, Physics, University College London, UK
2002: Ph.D. Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University College London, London, UK

Academic Positions

2005-6: Instructor, Massachusetts General Hospital (Radiology), Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
2006-2011 : Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY
2006-2011 : Assistant Professor, Radiology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY
2008- : Mentor, Columbia University Graduate Program in Neurobiology and Behavior
2011-2013 : Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY
2011-2013 : Associate Professor, Department of Radiology, Columbia University Medical Center
2013-2017 : Associate Professor (tenured) of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY
2013-2017: Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Radiology, Columbia University Medical Center
2014- : Columbia Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute Investigator
2017- : Professor,Department of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY
2017- : Professor, Department of Radiology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY

Professional and Research Positions

2002-3: Manager of In Vivo Spectroscopy, Argose Inc., Waltham, MA
2003-5: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging (Radiology), Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

Professional Affiliations

Optical Society of America (OSA) (Elected Fellow 2015)
The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) (Elected Fellow 2017)
American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) (Elected Fellow 2017)
Society for Neuroscience (SFN)
International Society for Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism (ISCBFM)
American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)
Society for Brain Mapping & Therapeutics (SBMT)
American Heart Association

Honors and Awards

Wood and Oliver Lodge undergraduate awards from University College London (1994-8)
Wellcome Trust Prize Studentship, Ph.D. Fellowship (1998-2002)
Wallace H Coulter Foundation Early Career Award (2006)
Human Frontier of Science Program Young Investigator Award (2007)
Rodriguez Junior Faculty Award, Columbia SEAS (2008).
Chair of Tissue Imaging and Spectroscopy Technical Group, Optical Society of America (2008-11)
NSF CAREER Award (2010)
Kavli Institute for Neuroscience at Columbia University Member (2011)
2011 Adolph Lomb Medal, Optical Society of America award for contributions to optics under age 35
2016 Fellow, OSA
2017 Fellow, SPIE
2017 Fellow, AIMBE
2018 SPIE 2018 Biophotonics Technology Innovator Award

Editorial Service (selected)

Associate Editor, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual Meeting 2008-
Special Issue Editor, Applied Optics: "Topics in Biomedical Optics 2008"
Review Editor, Frontiers in Neuroenergetics Journal 2008-
Topical Editor, Applied Optics (Biomedical Optics) 2009-2011
Special Issue Editor, Biomedical Optics Express 2010
Associate Editor, Biomedical Optics Express 2010-2013
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Biophotonics (Wiley) 2012-
Editorial Board Member, Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging Journal (IOS Press) 2012-
Associate Editor, Optica (OSA) 2014-2017
Associate Editor, Neurophotonics (SPIE) 2014-
Advisory Board, Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering (Elsevier) 2016-

Conference Service (selected)

Program Committee, SPIE Optics East 2005 & 2006 Optical Methods in Drug Discovery and Development
Session Chair "Optics in Neuroscience" and Program Committee for National Institute of Health Fifth Inter-Institute Workshop on Optical Diagnostic Imaging from Bench to Bedside, 2006
Session Chair "Imaging brain function & disease", Lasers in Medicine & Biology Gordon Conference, 2006
Session Track Co-Chair, "Diagnostic Instrumentation & Physiological Measurements", IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference 2006
Program Chair "Diffuse optical imaging and tomography", OSA BIOMED 2008
Associate Editor, "Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing" IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual Meeting 2008-2011
Co-Chair "New Optical Instrumentation", World Molecular Imaging Congress 2008
Program Committee, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) Annual Meeting 2008
Program Committee, European Conference on Biomedical Optics 2009
Program Committee, "Neurons and Photons" conference at SPIE Photonics West 2009
Session Track Co-Chair, "Neural Engineering" IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 2009
Session Chair, "In vivo optical imaging of animal disease models", Engineering Conferences International 2009.
Session Chair "Brain" and Program Committee for SPIE NIH Inter-Institute Workshop on Optical Diagnostic and Biophotonic Methods from Bench to Bedside, 2009
Co-Chair, Royal Society Conference "Making light work: Illuminating the future of biomedical optics" 2010
Program Chair "Biological and Drug Discovery Imaging", OSA BIOMED 2010
Chair of Engineering Conferences International (ECI)"Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine and Surgery XI" meeting 2011
Program Committee, SPIE "Optogenetics and hybrid-optical control of cells" meeting 2013
Co-Chair, "Neurophotonics" sub-conference at the OSA/SPIE European Conference on Biomedical Optics (ECBO 2013).
Co-Chair, "Biophysics, Biology and Biophotonics: the Crossroads", OSA BIOMED 2014
Co-Chair, "Neurophotonics", Engineering Conferences International (ECI) "Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine and Surgery" meeting 2015
Founding ChairOSA Optics in the Brain, co-located with Optics in the Life Sciences, 2015,16,17
Subcommittee Chair, OSA Frontiers in Optics 'Optics in Biology and Medicine track' 2016
General Chair, OSA Biomed 2018 (vice-chair 2016)
Neurophotonics Program Track Co-Chair, SPIE BiOS annual meeting (with David Boas) (2018-)

Grant Support (selected)

NIH BRAIN Initiative (NINDS & NIMH) - PI (U01, RF1), Co-I (U19)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) - PI (R21 & 3 x R01)
Simons Foundation Collaboration on the Global Brain
Wallace H Coulter Foundation - PI (Young Investigator, Translational Research Partnership)
Human Frontiers Science Program - PI (Young Investigator)
The Kavli Foundation (pilot grant) (2)
National Eye Institute Co-PI (R01)
Department of Defense, Army Research Office (MURI contract co-investigator)
National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute (NHLBI) - subcontract Co-PI
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and BioEngineering (NIBIB) - Phase I SBIR
National Cancer Institute (NCI) - U54 imaging core
National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin (NIAMS) - P30 imaging core
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) - UL1 CTSA pilot grants phase I & II
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) - Phase I SBIR contractor
Mentored Students Graduate Fellowships, NSF (4), NDSEG/ONR (1), BioIGERT (2), T32 Medical Scientist Training Program (3)


  • Hillman E. M. C, PhD Thesis (2002), Download.